عبارات جديدة ذكاء وقصف روعه بالانجليزي لن تجد مثلها – الجوكر الوحيد
اجمل عبارات بالانجليزي تعبر عن الذكاء 2021, عبارات ذكاء وحيلة بالانجليزي للواتس اب والفيس بوك
اقتباسات بالانجليزية ذكية ورائعة جدا 2021 اجمل الاقوال بالانجليزي جميلة ونادرة
-If you expect the world to be fair with you b’coz you are fair with them. It’s like expecting a lion not to eat you b’coz you don’t eat lion.
-Did anyone else notice the sound if you click the like button on my status?
-Never trust a person with one only facebook picture.
-I was blinded by your beauty so I’m going to need your name and number for insurance reasons.
-I need a lifetime lover, not a night time lover.
-I can drive you crazy without a drivers license.
-Lets learn to ignore selfish people just like the way we ignore Terms and conditions of any software.
-I feel like a Indiana Jones, b’coz you are the treasure I am looking for.
-God made coke. God made pepsi. God made me. Oh so s3xy. God made rivers. God made lakes. God made you. Well…we all make mistakes.
-The best nicknames are usually the ones people don’t know they have.
-Money can’t buy friends but you can get a better class of enemy.
-Why do people with closed minds always open their mouths?
-Always try don’t feel fail without try!
-Plese don’t talk to me, I get attached too easily.
-Sometimes no matter..! how much you want things to happen!, all you can do is wait…
-If they can’t do their part, they don’t deserve your heart.
-Just thought a thought but the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought I thought.
-People are gonna hurt you, but its your decision who gets a second chance.
-We should love, Not fall in love…Because everything that falls, gets broken…
-?BUT is just a word you use when you’re afraid to try.
-I’ve noticed you noticing me and I’m just giving you notice that I’ve noticed you!
-Everybody is beautiful to somebody.
-No matter how full my wardrobe is, I never seem to find anything to wear.
-I am Not link to my self ‘Special’ I think I am ‘Limited’ Edition!
-Cheating is easy …. try something more challenging … like being faithful.
-Dont let your ears witness what your eyes didn’t see… and don’t let your mouth speak what your heart doesn’t feel.
-An empty web browsing history is a sure sign of pure guilt. 😉
-Ray says crazy is good, crazy is free, crazy is me..
-I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying.
-My first name and your last name, together make sound great!..
-When you miss someone, you keep checking their profile.
-Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.
-A man likes his wife to be just clever enough to appreciate his cleverness and just stupid enough to admire it.
حالات واتس اب بالانجليزي تعبر عن الذكاء والدهاء 2020 كلمات انجليزية مميزه
-I don’t trust anyone. Even the Devil was once an Angel.
-You are gonna need therapy after you meet me..
-We will flip a coin to determine our future. Head, we will be together. Tail, we will flip again.
-If nothing lasts forever, I was wondering if you might wanna be my nothing?
-The only math I can remember is that …. You + Me = Forever
-About 90% of the high scores in mobile games are made either in the toilet or in a lecture or while preparing for exams.
-Facebook: where stalking people is OK.
-Its not illegal unless you get caught.
-People who are closed mind always open their mouth!
-Don’t talk to me Bcoz I was attached easily!
-Real relationship is that in which we fight love trust each other.!
-No matter where I am, no matter where you are, I’ll be there when its over baby. Cause I was there from the start.
-My life is like open book but I am not allowed to anyone to read it!
-The longest five minutes are the last five minutes of a lecture while the shortest five minutes are the last five minutes of an exam.
-FACEBOOK: the only book teens read these days.
-My Friend ask me, How is your life? I said she is fine.
-Try and fail, but don’t fail to try.
اجمل ستاتيات بالانجليزية للفيس بوك والانستقرام والواتس اب وتويتر ستاتي شرات ومعاني بالانجليزي هبال روعه مكتوبة للنسخ 2021
ستاتوسات واتس اب بالانجليزي روعه عن الذكاء 2021 بوستات فيس بوك انجليزية جامدة ورائعة مكتوبة للنسخ والنشر.
-Why does Facebook want to know what I am thinking? Do they not realize that is classified and somewhat scary information??
-If people are trying to bring you down it only means that you are above them.
-When your ex says you’ll never find anyone like me reply that’s the point.
-IMMATURE: A word boring people use to describe fun people.
-I am ‘SINGLE’ Because I have not found someone, who deserves ME…!
-You are not born a winner; you are not born a loser. You are born a chooser.
-God made every person different, He got tired! when time he got to china…
-I don’t like to think myself as ‘Special’ I like to think myself as limited edition.
-You want to come in my life, the door is open. You want to get out of my life, the door is open. Just one request. Don’t stand at the door, you are blocking the traffic.
-The true beauty of a woman is her ability to make a man better in every way.
-I never make stupid mistakes, only very-very clever ones.
-It’s funny how many lies can be packed in one LOVE LETTER.
-What if life come with a ?? REW ? PLAY ¦¦PAUSE ¦¦STOP