حالات واتس اب عن اللحية بالانجليزيرسائل انجلشستاتوسات بالانجليزية عن اللحيةعبارات عن اللحية بالانجليزي

عبارات عن اللحية بالانجليزية روعه – الجوكر الوحيد

ستاتوسات بالانجليزية عن اللحية للانستقرام 2021 و كلمات رائعة مكتوبة بالانجليزي حالات واتس اب عن اللحية حب روعه وستاتوسات فيس بوك 2021 اجمل العبارات و حالات واتس اب بالانجليزية عن اللحية جديدة مكتوبة .
عبارات عن اللحية بالانجليزية روعه 2021 - الجوكر الوحيد
عبارات عن اللحية بالانجليزية روعه – الجوكر الوحيد

اجمل العبارات و حالات واتس اب بالانجليزية عن اللحية جديدة مكتوبة

Beards and wine get better with time.

When you feel your beard blowing in the wind.

It’s not a beard, I’ve trained to sit very still. 

With great beard comes great responsibility.

He who sacrifices his beard for a woman deserves neither.

Beards are said to increase social status.

The beard isn’t novel, it’s natural. But your continued efforts to maintain.. a boyish look by shaving your face, is truly a peculiar habit.

Beard madness.

May your face Stay hairy all the days of your life.

No beard no thanks.

Men don’t cry, they water their beard!

A full beard looks cool.

حالات واتس اب عن اللحية حب روعه وستاتوسات فيس بوك 2021

  • Beards are the new six packs.
  • Nothing makes her purr like a face full of fur.
  • Love your man love his beard.
  • Beards are a brotherhood, not a fashion statement.
  • Bearded man does it better.
  • A beard is a gift you give your face.
  • True love is like a beard it never ends it only grows.
  • Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit.
  • All the men in my family were bearded, and most of the women.
  • Sometimes I think about shaving, but then I think, ‘NAH. I like my legs the way they are’.
  • A man with Out a Beard is like a Cup of a Tea with Out sugar.
  • What are you so defensive? I’m not saying your clean-shaven face makes you less of a man. You just look like less of a man.
  • Man withOut a Beard is like a Cup of a Tea withOut sugar.
  • The only reason to shave your beard is the joy of growing it again.
  • Tradition wears a snowy beard, romance is always young.
  • Beard sign of hotness.
  • Hey there! I am using Beard.

ستاتوسات بالانجليزية عن اللحية للانستقرام و كلمات رائعة مكتوبة بالانجليزي

  • I’m Sorry; I can’t hear you over my awesome beard.
  • Beard making ugly men handsome since the beginning of time.
  • Have you a beard and tattoos? That sound you just heard sir, was my panties evaporating.
  • The beard signifies the courageous. The beard distinguishes.
  • The beard tells the world that you spend more time.. in Morning Prayer than morning primping.
  • Beards can protect you from pollen or dust allergies.
  • Alexander the great was against beards in his infantry.
  • Girls get weird for guys with beards.
  • Kissing a man with a beard is a lot like going to a picnic. You don’t mind going through a little brush to get there.
  • The world is full of guys, be a man.
  • Be Beard…Be Loved…
  • I don’t work out much But my beard lifts skirts.
  • I don’t like myself without a beard.
  • Beard under construction.
  • Beard is really just a hug for your face.
  • Don’t judge my past, look at my present l am sure my future is really rocking.
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